The partnership between Community Foundation of Northwest Mississippi and EVERFI, the leading education technology company, provides students with critical skills they need to thrive. Through the Community Digital Scholars Program, schools across the state receive access to cutting-edge digital courses at no charge.

The Breadth of Community Digital Scholars Program

Community Digital Scholars Program empowers teachers to bring critical skills education to their classrooms. With resources on a number of topics including financial literacy, STEM readiness, diversity & inclusion, entrepreneurship, and health & wellness. Community Digital Scholars Program helps teachers address important topics that may not be part of their traditional curriculum. All of the program’s courses map to state and national Jump$tart and Common Core standards. EVERFI’s analytics platform provides teachers with real-time access to student knowledge gain statistics as well as attitudinal and behavioral data. Review the courses available within the Community Digital Scholars Program to decide which course(s) you would like to implement in your classroom!

EVERFI Course Elements

Pedagogy based on the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Teach for Understanding (TFU) frameworks:

Engaging multi-media adaptive content for all types of learners
Pre, post, and formative assessments for evidence based learning
Certificate-based skill development

Financial Education

Vault-Understanding MoneyTM

Recommended Grade Levels: 4th-6th –Empower students to be smart financial decision makers while they are early in their cognitive development. By leveraging performance based games, Vault immerses students in real-life financial scenarios that focus on skill building and responsible decision making, covering everything from saving to making a budget.

EVERFI-Financial LiteracySM

Recommended Grade Levels: 9th-12th– Build the foundation for future financial well being. This digital course covers core financial topics including everything from common account types to the basics of investing. Students are able to apply their learning in safe, virtual environments to weigh the consequences of their choices and practice good decision-making.

Diversity & Inclusion Commons

Digital Town SquareTM

Recommended Grade Levels: 8th-10th– Bring concepts of American Government and civic engagement to life with primary sources, engaging videos and exciting games, covering topics ranging from the Bill of Rights to the branches of government. Introduce students to the rights and responsibilities of citizenship, preparing them for a life of participation.

306-African American HistoryTM

Recommended Grade Levels: 9th-12th –Introduce students to African-American history in science, academia, music, and the arts via a compelling digital course. Through important primary texts and compelling vignettes, 306 communicates this history in a way that builds shared values and inspires today’s youth to become tomorrow’s leaders.

Career Leadership & Success Venture–

Entrepreneurial ExpeditionTM

Recommended Grade Levels: 7th-10th –Guide students through their personal journey to become an entrepreneur. While starting a food truck business, students learn to make informed business decisions about their product, pricing, hiring, marketing, and even their business pitch for a potential investor. At the end of Venture, each student leaves with their own e-Portfolio – a dynamic, visual representation of their personalized business plan and personal career goals.

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math)

Radius-STEM ReadinessTM

Recommended Grade Levels: 8th-11th –Focus on math, science, and engineering topics such as binary numbers, scientific notation, Pythagorean theorem, and probability. Radius reinforces STEM thinking through real-world application of skills, all while exposing students to exciting career opportunities in these growing industries.

Ignition-Digital Literacy and ResponsibilityTM

Recommended Grade Levels: 6th-9th– Educate students on the risks that technology can bring to their lives and empowers them with the skill set to leverage technology safely and effectively. The course informs students on both the “nuts and bolts” of how technology works and an introduction to STEM careers, while also placing them in virtual environments to tackle issues including privacy, security, cyberbullying, digital relationships, and the viral nature of the web.

Health & Wellness – pilot* *We’re excited to announce a new initiative to bring health and wellness fundamentals to elementary and middle school students. The program encourages students to choose a healthy diet and active lifestyle. We’re looking for schools to participate in a pilot program this fall. If your school is interested, contact your EVERFI representative.

Healthier Me: Wellness Fundamentals for Elementary SchoolTM

Recommended Grade Levels: 1st-4th– Healthy lifestyles start early, when our eating habits and fitness routines are just forming. Even at a young age, students form nutrition and fitness-related habits that will last a lifetime. Help them learn how to make healthy choices through this fun, game-based course.

Healthier Me: Wellness Fundamentals for Middle SchoolTM

Recommended Grade Levels: 6th-8th –Healthy lifestyles start early, when our eating habits and fitness routines are just forming. This course turns familiar scenarios into teachable moments to build healthy behaviors students can use throughout their lives. In this interactive, activity-based course, students learn how to make the right choices when it comes to food.

To learn more about Community Digital Scholars Program, contact:

Carmen Gross – 601.206.0397

EVERFI is the leading technology platform that teaches, assesses, and certifies students in critical life skills. Our courses have touched the lives of over twelve million students.

Causes that Matter


Maddox Nonprofit & Volunteer Resource HUB

The Maddox Nonprofit & Volunteer Resource Hub connects nonprofits and volunteers with individuals, resources, and opportunities in their eleven-county service region of Northwest Mississippi. As an official program of The Community Foundation of Northwest Mississippi, the HUB receives funding to host local events aimed at utilizing resources and connections available within your community.

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The Box Project

Providing support for the growth and success of recipient families with the goal of alleviating suffering and increasing self sufficiency

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Delta Directions

The Delta Directions Consortium (DDC) is an interdisciplinary network of individuals, academic institutions, non-profit organizations, and foundations that work together to create positive social change in the multi-state Mississippi Delta Region.

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Community Digital Scholars Program

Through the Community Digital Scholars Program, schools across the state receive access to cutting-edge digital courses at no charge.

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