Indianola leaders create endowment for B.B. King Museum

Indianola raised $14 million to accomplish its vision of designing and building the B.B. King Museum and Delta Interpretive Center. Including the cotton gin where B.B. King worked as a young man, the museum takes advantage of Northwest Mississippi’s asset as birthplace of the Blues and outstanding musicians.

In its first six years, the Indianola museum has told its story to over 30,000 visitors from all 50 states and over 35 countries. To keep serving these visitors and reaching out to the community, the museum needs operating funds for staff, programs, and maintenance every year.

The museum’s chairman, Bill McPherson of Indianola, joined with his cousins Tom and Walton Gresham to establish an Endowment that will cover a portion of those costs every year. They started the endowment at the Community Foundation of Northwest Mississippi with a combined $400,000 donation. Thanks to support from the Maddox Foundation, the Community Foundation added $100,000 to the Endowment. With professional investment management, the Endowment will provide up to $25,000 every year toward the Museum’s continued operation and outreach while preserving the donor’s original investment.

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Tom Gresham

Walton Gresham

Bill McPherson

We know the Community Foundation of Northwest Mississippi as a trusted partner for endowments and other philanthropy in the Delta. We are pleased to have this foundation available

Tom Gresham

Since it is a Community Foundation, anyone can add to the Endowment for the B.B. King Museum and Delta Interpretive Center. We want to see it continue to develop as a major asset for the Delta. The Community Foundation is willing to work with any group or family that is interested in setting up an endowment for a worthy cause and make sure it is adequately funded for the future

Walton Gresham

The museum saw very quickly that we needed additional sources of funding to operate the museum like it was intended and to reach out to the community with educational programs. The endowment gives a base for our fundraising every year

Bill McPherson